Istanbul / Türkiye
Medical Consulting Services
Medical Consulting Services One of the important common problems of physicians in our country with their colleagues in many countries is the lack of experience and knowledge in forensic reporting. Therefore, it is inevitable to prepare medical expert reports in bodily compensation files under the control of forensic medicine experts. Subjects such as trauma scoring in criminal cases, treatment expenses in compensation cases, temporary disability period, determination of loss of effort, evaluation of permanent impairment in cases of permanent disability, determination of the cause of death in cases of death are the fields of forensic medicine. Second opinion is obtained from other medical branches when necessary. Medical expertise studies are carried out in all kinds of incidents resulting in bodily damage (traffic accidents, work accidents, other accidents, intentional injury incidents, sexual assault incidents, medical malpractice, fatal incidents). Performing risk analysis in bodily compensation files with our team of Forensic Medicine Specialists, (Determining the disability rate according to the 'Regulation on Disability Criteria, Classification and Health Board Reports to be Given to the Disabled' and 'Regulation on Determination of Loss of Working Power and Profession Loss Rate') Determination of possible minimal and maximal rates to be encountered in pending files, whose treatment has not yet been completed, and/or preparation of a reasoned report on whether there will be a disability rate, Determination of permanent disability, accidental causality and causality in death with our team of Forensic Medicine Specialists, Determination of treatment costs, Necessary correspondence and follow-up for the files for which the objection procedure will be initiated, Reporting on the determination of alcohol at the time of the accident and the role of alcohol in the accident, Preparation of special expert reports that can be used in the legal or reconciliation process, (within the scope of Article 67/6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure No. 5271, Articles 293/1 of the Code of Civil Procedure No. 6100) Examining the way in which occupational accidents occur, detection of fault, Preparing a report on whether the common health and safety units serving the workplaces are at fault, (in terms of recourse procedures) Examination of the injured person by the relevant specialists, accompanied by our physicians, for the accuracy and determination of the disability rate,