Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

ACARER METAL – Leading Manufacturer of Precision Metal Products

ACARER METAL is a trusted and innovative manufacturer of high-quality metal products, serving a diverse range of industries including automotive, aerospace, construction, and heavy machinery. With decades of expertise and a commitment to advanced manufacturing processes, ACARER METAL ensures that its products meet the most stringent international standards, making them ideal for industrial and specialized applications.

At the heart of ACARER METAL's operations is a focus on precision, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. The company employs cutting-edge technology and a highly skilled workforce to produce a wide variety of metal alloys and specialty metals tailored to the specific needs of its global clientele.

Product Range:

  • Inoculants:
    High-performance additives, such as Ferro Silicon Magnesium and Ferro Silicon Strontium, are designed to enhance the microstructure of cast iron, improving its mechanical properties for use in demanding applications.

  • Non-Ferrous Metals:
    Including Metallic Magnesium and Metallic Manganese, these metals are critical in various industrial processes, particularly in applications requiring lightweight materials, corrosion resistance, and structural integrity.

  • Ferro Alloys:
    Offering advanced ferroalloys like Ferro Silicon Zirconium and Ferro Silicon Barium, which are crucial for refining steel and cast iron by improving strength, ductility, and oxidation resistance.

  • Pig Iron:
    Steel Pig Iron and Sfero Pig Iron are indispensable in the production of high-strength steel and ductile iron castings, supporting industries that demand reliability and precision in metalworking.

  • Noble Alloys:
    Rare and valuable materials like Ferro Vanadium and Ferro Molybdenum are used to enhance the performance of high-strength steels, offering superior resistance to corrosion and heat, especially in aerospace and energy sectors.

  • Base Metals:
    Versatile metals like Nickel and Tin, used extensively in electronics, plating, and chemical applications, ensure longevity and durability in the final products.


  • Global Reach: Serving clients worldwide with a seamless supply chain and export network.
  • Customization: Offering tailored solutions to meet the specific requirements of each industry.
  • Sustainability: Focused on eco-friendly production methods, recycling, and reducing waste in metal production.
  • Innovation: Investing in research and development to continually improve the quality and performance of its products.


Ferro Silikon Magnezyum Ferro Silikon Stronsiyum Ferro Silikon Zirkonyum Ferro Silikon Baryum Ferro Silisyum CA Taşıyıcı Kalsiyum Silisyum Metalik Magnezyum Metalik Mangan Metalik Krom Metalik Molibden Aşılayıcılar Demirdışı Metaller ferro alaşımlar pik demir Soy Alaşımlar Ana Metaller Master Metaller Ferro Silicon Magnesium Ferro Silicon Strontium Ferro Silicon Zirconium Ferro Silicon Barium Ferro Silicium CA Bearing Calcium Silicium Metallic Magnesium Metallic Manganese Metallic Chromium Metallic Molybdenum Inoculants non-ferrous metals Ferro Alloys pig iron Noble Alloys Base Metals Master Metals

