Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Akay Tekstil is a leading textile company that specializes in producing a wide range of textile products for various industries. The company has been in operation for several years and has gained a reputation for producing high-quality products that meet the needs of its customers. Some of the products produced by Akay Tekstil include home textiles, mattress protectors, pillow protectors, medical textiles, hygienic bath towels, medical mattress protectors, medical pillow protectors, technical textiles, protective clothing, agriculture, sports equipment, packaging, geotextiles, construction, hot melt lamination, softshell lamination, and water and oil resistance applications.

One of the main products produced by Akay Tekstil is home textiles. The company produces a wide range of home textile products such as bed sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, and curtains. These products are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide comfort and style to homes. The company also produces mattress protectors and pillow protectors that are designed to protect mattresses and pillows from stains, spills, and other forms of damage.

Another product produced by Akay Tekstil is medical textiles. The company produces medical mattress protectors and pillow protectors that are designed to provide comfort and protection to patients in hospitals and other medical facilities. These products are made from high-quality materials that are hypoallergenic and easy to clean. The company also produces hygienic bath towels that are designed to provide a clean and hygienic environment for patients.

Akay Tekstil also produces technical textiles that are used in various industries such as transportation, agriculture, and construction. The company produces geotextiles that are used in construction projects to provide stability and prevent soil erosion. The company also produces protective clothing that is used in various industries to protect workers from hazards such as chemicals, fire, and electricity.

In addition to producing textile products, Akay Tekstil also provides lamination services. The company provides hot melt lamination and softshell lamination services that are used to provide water and oil resistance to various products. These services are used in industries such as packaging, sports equipment, and agriculture.

In conclusion, Akay Tekstil is a leading textile company that produces a wide range of textile products for various industries. The company has gained a reputation for producing high-quality products that meet the needs of its customers. Some of the products produced by the company include home textiles, medical textiles, technical textiles, protective clothing, and lamination services. With its commitment to quality and innovation, Akay Tekstil is poised to continue its growth and success in the textile industry.


Akay Tekstil textile products mattress protectors pillow protectors medical textiles hygienic bath towels technical textiles sports equipment Packaging geotextiles construction hot melt lamination softshell lamination water resistance oil resistance bed sheets duvet covers curtains hypoallergenic clean stability soil erosion hazards Chemicals fire electricity lamination services growth tekstil ürünleri yastık koruyucu medikal tekstil hijyenik banyo havlusu Teknik Tekstil koruyucu giysi spor malzemeleri ambalaj geotekstil inşaat hotmelt laminasyon softshell laminasyon su geçirmezlik yağ dayanıklılık çarşaf nevresim perde hipoalerjenik temiz stabilite toprak erozyonu tehlikeler Kimyasallar yangın Elektrik laminasyon hizmetleri konfor büyüme Başarı.

