Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

BIOORIENT Biyoteknoloji is a leading biotechnology company, committed to innovation and excellence in the field of biotechnology. With a strong focus on providing high-quality products and services, we have been at the forefront of biotechnological advancements since 2008.


Our Products and Services:


Biotechnology Solutions: BIOORIENT offers a wide range of cutting-edge biotechnology solutions, including DNA sequencing, gene editing, and molecular biology tools. Our expert team ensures that researchers and scientists have access to the latest technologies to advance their research.


Biomedical Research: We are dedicated to supporting biomedical research by providing state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and reagents. Our products enable researchers to explore new frontiers in medicine and improve healthcare outcomes.


Customized Biotech Services: BIOORIENT offers customized biotech services tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Whether it's custom DNA synthesis, protein expression, or cell line development, we provide solutions that drive scientific progress.


Bioprocessing: Our bioprocessing expertise helps streamline the production of biopharmaceuticals and other bioproducts. We offer scalable solutions to meet the demands of the biopharmaceutical industry.


Technical Support: At BIOORIENT, we understand the importance of providing excellent technical support. Our team of experts is always ready to assist our customers with any questions or challenges they may encounter.



fotoğrafik levha film fotoğrafçılık jelatin pepton bitkisel yağ hayvansal yağ antifiriz dirolik yağ katalizör aktif karbon hidrolik fren sıvıları vuruntu önleyici ürünler antifrizlerin azım ve çizim mürekkepleri peptonlar deri tozları kültür ortamları model hamurları kompozit diyagnostik reaktifler sıvı yağların imalatı biyodizel biyoyakıt vakum tüpleri için emiciler pirolinyitler kazan taşı önleyici bileşikler yağ emülsiyonlaştırıcıları dökümhanelerde kullanılan yardımcı kimyasal ürünler hazır bağlayıcılar yangın söndürücü müstahzarlar photographic plates films sensitised paper sensitised unexposed materials photographic uses gelatine peptones peptone derivatives soldering brazing or welding pickle metal prepared additives for cements activated carbon lubricating oil additives prepared rubber accelerators catalysts antiknock preparations antifreeze preparations liquids for hydraulic transmission composite diagnostic laboratory reagents

