Gaziantep / Türkiye
Vibrating Feeder Hopper
Vibrating Feeder Hopper Vibrating feeders are designed to supply the quarry with the required amount of material (aggregate). They operate using a linear motion generated by two eccentric weights moving in opposite directions, which pushes the material forward, allowing precise control over the feeding rate. The amount of material fed can be increased or decreased using the optional gate located at the outlet or by adjusting the frequency and amplitude of the eccentric weights. Çalışkan Makina manufactures three different types of vibrating feeders: Vibrating Rock Feeder Grizzly Vibrating Feeder Vibrating Sand Feeder Primary feeders can be installed in various locations within a plant: Beneath intermediate stock tunnels Under bunkers that regularly feed the crusher in the facility Under the initial bunkers where material is first fed Under bunkers at the end of the facility The sizes and capacities of vibrating feeders can vary depending on their installation location or the specific environment in which they operate, providing flexible and efficient material handling solutions.