Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Canovete is a seasoned manufacturing company, spearheading innovative solutions across various technological domains. Its extensive product portfolio is structured into three main categories: Data Centers, Fiber Optic Infrastructure, and Structured Cabling, each encompassing a range of specialized solutions and products tailored to meet the evolving needs of the digital landscape.


Under the Data Centers category, Canovete offers comprehensive data center solutions ranging from Maxi, Mini, Micro, to Mobile Data Center Solutions, ensuring scalability and flexibility to accommodate different operational scales. Their Data Center Products further enhance operational efficiency with offerings like Cooling Systems, Power Solutions, Environment Monitoring Systems, Security Solutions, and Fire Extinguishing Systems. The inclusion of Power Distribution Units (PDU) ensures a reliable power supply, maintaining the critical uptime required in data center operations.


Venturing into Fiber Optic Infrastructure, Canovete presents a robust lineup of solutions including Optical Distribution Frame Solutions, High Capacity Smart ODF, Fiber Tree System + Fiber Tree Solutions, and GPON Splitter Modules. Their comprehensive range extends to Fiber Patch Panels, MTP and MPO Modules, Fiber Optic Cable Tray Solutions, and Fiber Cabinet Field Solutions, among others. Splice Closures, Last Mile Solutions, Fiber Accessories, and Fiber Cables further enrich the fiber optic infrastructure, ensuring seamless connectivity and enhanced network performance.


The Structured Cabling segment encapsulates both Copper Cabling Solutions and Fiber Cabling Solutions, offering a structured approach to cabling infrastructure. This ensures not only a reliable and high-speed network foundation but also a future-proof infrastructure capable of accommodating the evolving technological advancements.


With a firm footing in these critical technological domains, Canovete demonstrates a profound understanding of the intricate requirements of modern digital infrastructures. Through a blend of innovative solutions and reliable products, Canovete stands as a pivotal player in empowering businesses to thrive in the digital era.


Data Center Solutions Maxi Data Center Solutions Mini Data Center Solutions Micro Data Center Solutions Mobile Data Center Solutions Data Center Products cooling systems Power Solutions Environment Monitoring System security solutions Fire Extinguishing System power distribution units (pdu) Fiber Image-02 FIBER OPTIC INFRASTRUCTURE Optical Distribution Frame Solutions High Capacity Smart ODF Fiber Tree System + Fiber Tree Solutions GPON Splitter Modules Fiber Patch Panels MTP and MPO Modules Fiber Optic Cable Tray Solutions Fiber Cabinet Field Solutions Splice Closures Last Mile Solutions Fiber Accessories Fiber Cable STRUCTURED CABLING Copper Cabling Solutions Fiber Cabling Solutions Veri Merkezi Çözümleri Mikro Veri Merkezi Çözümleri Mini Veri Merkezi Çözümleri Maksi Veri Merkezi Mobil Veri Merkezi Çözümleri Veri Merkezi Ürünleri soğutma sistemleri Güç Çözümleri Ortam İzleme Sistemi güvenlik çözümleri Yangın Söndürme Sistemi güç dağıtım üniteleri (pdu) FİBER OPTİK ALTYAPISI Optik Dağıtım Çatısı Çözümleri Yüksek Kapasiteli Akıllı ODF Fiber Tree Sistemi + Fiber Tree Çözümleri GPON Splitter ve Modülleri Fiber Patch Paneller MTP ve MPO Modülleri Fiber Optik Kablo Kanalı Çözümleri Fiber Kabin Saha Çözümleri Yeraltı Ek Kutuları Son Adım Çözümleri Fiber Aksesuarları YAPISAL KABLOLAMA Bakır Kablolama Çözümleri Fiber Kablolama Çözümleri Data Center İmage-1 RACK KABİNETLER Dikili Tip Rack Kabinetler Duvar Tipi Kabinetler aksesuarlar Dış Ortam Kabin Çözümleri

