Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

DEMAL TEKSTİL is a company that specializes in creating personalized gifts for individuals and couples. Their Tisho brand offers a wide range of products including personalized shirts, sweatshirts, and t-shirts. They also offer personalized magnets, mugs, bookmarks, and puzzles for special occasions.

One of the most popular products offered by DEMAL TEKSTİL is their personalized shirts. These shirts are designed to fit the individual's style and personality. Customers can choose from a variety of designs, colors, and fonts to create a unique shirt that reflects their personality. The shirts are made from high-quality materials and are designed to last for years.

Another popular product offered by DEMAL TEKSTİL is their personalized sweatshirts. These sweatshirts are perfect for those who want to stay warm and comfortable while still looking stylish. Customers can choose from a variety of designs, colors, and fonts to create a unique sweatshirt that reflects their personality. The sweatshirts are made from high-quality materials and are designed to last for years.

For couples, DEMAL TEKSTİL offers a range of personalized gifts that are perfect for special occasions. Their personalized t-shirts and sweatshirts are a great way for couples to show their love for each other. They can choose from a variety of designs, colors, and fonts to create a unique shirt that reflects their relationship. The shirts are made from high-quality materials and are designed to last for years.

In addition to personalized shirts and sweatshirts, DEMAL TEKSTİL also offers a range of personalized gifts for special occasions. Their personalized magnets, mugs, bookmarks, and puzzles are perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events. Customers can choose from a variety of designs, colors, and fonts to create a unique gift that reflects the recipient's personality.

Overall, DEMAL TEKSTİL is a great company for those who want to create personalized gifts for themselves or their loved ones. Their Tisho brand offers a wide range of products including personalized shirts, sweatshirts, and t-shirts. They also offer personalized magnets, mugs, bookmarks, and puzzles for special occasions. With high-quality materials and unique designs, DEMAL TEKSTİL is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a personalized gift.


personalized gifts Tisho brand personalized shirts personalized sweatshirts personalized magnets personalized mugs personalized bookmarks personalized puzzles special occasions individualized style unique designs couples gifts love anniversaries birthdays personalized t-shirts personalized gifts for loved ones kişiye özel hediyeler Tisho markası kişiye özel gömlekler kişiye özel sweatshirtler kişiye özel magnetler kişiye özel kupalar kişiye özel kitap ayracı kişiye özel yapbozlar özel günler kişiye özel tarz özgün tasarımlar çiftlere hediyeler aşk yıldönümleri doğum günleri kişiye özel t- gömlekler sevdiklerinize kişiye özel hediyeler. Demal Tekstil

