Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Des Automotive Industry: Advanced Automotive Machinery and Special Test Equipment

Des Otomotiv Sanayi is a leading manufacturer and supplier of advanced automotive machinery and special test equipment. We are dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality, reliable, and innovative products that meet the demands of the ever-evolving automotive industry.

Our product range includes:

CNC Pipe Bending Machines:
Our CNC pipe bending machines offer precise and efficient pipe bending solutions for various automotive applications. These machines ensure consistent quality and high production rates, making them an essential tool for the automotive industry.

NC Pipe Bending Machines:
Our NC pipe bending machines provide accurate and reliable bending solutions for automotive pipes. These machines are designed for ease of use and offer excellent performance, making them a valuable addition to any automotive production facility.

Pipe End Forming Machines:
Our pipe end forming machines are designed to create various end forms on automotive pipes, ensuring a perfect fit for different applications. These machines offer high-quality end-forming solutions, contributing to the overall efficiency of automotive production processes.

Special Test Equipment:
We manufacture a range of special test equipment for the automotive industry, including dawn diesel engine banjo testing, dawn hydraulic high-pressure tightness testing, dawn air filter pneumatic testing, and dawn turbo oil supply hydraulic testing. These tests ensure the performance and reliability of automotive components, helping manufacturers maintain high standards of quality.

At Des Otomotiv Sanayi, we are committed to providing our customers with state-of-the-art automotive machinery and special test equipment. Our dedication to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive the best products and services to support your automotive production needs. Choose Des Otomotiv Sanayi for all your automotive machinery and testing requirements.


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