Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

ULKAR KİMYA SANAYİİ is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as abizole 10mg 28 tablets aripiprazole drug for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, aksef 500mg 10 tablets cefuroxime axetyl areas of use antibiotic drug , alzancer 10mg 28 tablets of active ingredient donepezil hydrochloride uses alzheimer's disease pharmaceuticals , antabus 25 tablets of the active ingredient disulfiram uses alcohol dependence drug , antax 1000mg oral powder containing 90 sachets active ingredient lanthanum carbonate octahydrate areas of use in chronic renal failure hyperphosphatemia drug , cantab 16mg 28 tablets active ingredient candesartan silecsetil uses hypertension medication, areas of use of alora ultra-active substance pasiflora (passiflora incarnata l.) dry extract herbal sedative drug, areas of use of alora ultra-active substance pasiflora (passiflora incarnata l.) dry extract herbal sedative drug, nbl algea oil active ingredient 200mg dha uses omega 3 source drug, nbl glucosamine chondroitin 90 active ingredient glucosamine, chondroitin areas of use bone and joint health drug, ....


abizol 10mg 28 tablet aripiprazol şizofreni, bipolar bozukluk ilaç aksef 500mg 10 tablet sefuroksim aksetil kullanım alanları antibiyotik ilaç alzancer 10mg 28 tablet etkin madde donepezil hidroklorür kullanım alanları alzheimer hastalığı ilaç antabus 25 tablet etkin madde disulfiram kullanım alanları alkol bağımlılığı ilaç cantab 16mg 28 tablet etkin madde kandesartan sileksetil kullanım alanları hipertansiyon ilaç alora ultra etkin madde pasiflora (passiflora incarnata l.) kuru ekstresi kullanım alanları bitkisel yatıştırıcı ilaç nbl algea oil etkin madde 200mg dha kullanım alanları omega 3 kaynağı ilaç nbl glukozamin kondroitin 90 etkin madde glukozamin, kondroitin kullanım alanları kemik ve eklem sağlığı ilaç nbl gynobiotic etkin madde probiyotik, yaban mersini kullanım alanları sindirim sistemi, bağışıklık sistemi ilaç abizole 10mg 28 tablets aripiprazole drug for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder aksef 500mg 10 tablets cefuroxime axetyl areas of use antibiotic drug alzancer 10mg 28 tablets of active ingredient donepezil hydrochloride uses alzheimer's disease pharmaceuticals antabus 25 tablets of the active ingredient disulfiram uses alcohol dependence drug cantab 16mg 28 tablets active ingredient candesartan silecsetil uses hypertension medication areas of use of alora ultra-active substance pasiflora (passiflora incarnata l.) dry extract herbal sedative drug nbl algea oil active ingredient 200mg dha uses omega 3 source drug nbl glucosamine chondroitin 90 active ingredient glucosamine, chondroitin areas of use bone and joint health drug

