Konya / Türkiye

About Us

WASTECH KAYNAK OTOMASYON SİSTEMLERİ, is a leading provider of industrial automation systems that move our customers to leadership in a variety of industries including construction, shipbuilding and more. Our cutting-edge technologies are designed to meet our customers' needs and help them achieve operational excellence.

Our product range includes:

Chassis Welding System: It is a special system used in the chassis (chassis) welding processes of various vehicles. It ensures that the body structure of the vehicles is assembled securely and without any disruption.

Single Axis Positioner: It is a single axis positioner used for accurate positioning and rotation of parts. It provides easy access to parts during welding operations.

Column & Boom Type Welding Systems: It is a special system that enables welding operations to be carried out with high efficiency and precision. It is used in the welding of large and complex parts.

Rotators: These are equipment that allows large and heavy parts to rotate. It ensures easy access to all sides of the parts and facilitates welding operations.

Horizontal Beam Machine: It is a special machine designed for welding operations on horizontal surfaces. It facilitates the welding of large and long parts.

Vertical Beam Machine: It is a special machine used for welding operations on vertical surfaces. It enables welding of vertical parts effectively.

Chain Rotators: Chain rotators enable welding operations to be carried out more effectively and efficiently by allowing the parts to rotate.

Bridge Type Ellipse Tank Welding System: It is a welding system used in the welding of special tanks, prioritizing precision and efficiency.

Membrane Welding Line: It is an automation system designed for special welding processes of membrane materials. It ensures trouble-free and high-quality welding of membranes.

Membrane Panel Twisting Machine: It is a machine specially designed for bending membrane panels.

Flat Calibration Machine: It is a machine that allows precise adjustment of blades for use in cutting and welding processes.

Storage Tank Welding System: It is an automation system specially designed for the welding of storage tanks. It is used to increase efficiency and quality.

Mini Hanger Welding System: It is a special system used for welding small and sensitive parts. It has a compact structure and facilitates detailed operations.

Circular Welding: It is a welding method used for welding circular parts. It is generally preferred for joining tubes and pipes.

Length and Sleeve Welding: It is a special welding process used to join pipes and sleeves. Provides durable and leak-proof connections.

Hydraulic Positioner: It is a hydraulic positioner that ensures that the parts are kept in the correct position and can be moved during welding processes.

Each product is designed for different needs in industrial welding processes and offers various solutions to WASTECH KAYNAK OTOMASYON SİSTEMLERİ  customers.


şasi kaynak sistemi tek eksen pozisyoner kolon & bom tip kaynak sistemleri çeviriciler yatay kiriş makinası dikey kiriş makinası zincirli çeviriciler köprü tipi elips tank kaynak sistemi membran kaynak hattı membran panel büküm makinası lama kalibrasyon makinası depolama tank kaynak sistemi mini askı kaynak sistemi dairesel kaynak boy ve manşon kaynak hidrolik pozisyoner chassis welding system single axis positioner column & boom type welding systems converters horizontal beam machine vertical beam machine chain converters bridge type ellipse tank welding system membrane welding line membrane panel twisting machine flat calibration machine storage tank welding system mini hanger welding system circular weld length and sleeve welding hydraulic positioner

