Kocaeli / Türkiye

About Us

Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of resins, plastics materials and non-vulcanisable thermoplastic elastomers, the mixing and blending of resins on a custom basis, as well as Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of non-customised synthetic resins. :- plastics in primary forms: polymers, including those of ethylene, propylene, styrene, vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate and acrylics polyamides phenolic and epoxide resins and polyurethanes alkyd and polyester resins and polyethers silicones ion-exchangers based on polymers


Birincil formda poliamitler üre reçineleri melamin reçineleri Birincil formda alkid reçine polyester reçine epoksi reçine poliasetal polikarbonat polieter polyester Birincil formda polimerler etilen propilen stiren vinil klorür vinil asetat vinil esterleri akrilik doğal kauçuğun kimyasal türevleri Birincil formda silikon polimer esaslı iyon değiştiricileri amino reçineler fenolik reçineler poliüretanlar politerpenler polisülfürler selüloz petrol reçineleri plastics materials nonvulcanisable thermoplastic elastomers synthetic resins polymers ethylene propylene styrene vinyl chloride vinyl acetate acrylics polyamides phenolic epoxide resins polyurethanes alkyd polyester resins polyethers silicones ionexchangers

