Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Akten Cosmetic Industry stands out as not just a manufacturer of cosmetic products but as an innovative creator of specialized formulas for natural personal care items. We harmoniously blend the rich botanical extracts and organic essential oils that nature offers, providing our customers with both natural and effective care products.

From our soap bars, starting at 80 grams, to liquid soaps, exclusive gift soaps, to a broad spectrum of hair and skin care products, we offer a diversified range. Our products, enriched with natural extracts such as sulfur, snail, calendula, nettle, and many more, ensure remarkable results in skin and hair care.

In addition to these extracts, we also offer products boosted with natural oils like tea tree oil, juniper oil, jojoba oil, and avocado oil. Our soap made with olive oil and skin whitening essence is one of our bestsellers. Expanding from skin care to body care, baby care, and household products, we cater to a wide array of needs.

At Akten Cosmetic Industry, our distinction isn't only in product quality but also in customer satisfaction and the principle of sustainability. With innovative and sustainable products, our aim is to revolutionize the world of natural beauty and care. We are committed to harnessing nature's bounty in the most effective ways, promising to deliver natural, healthy, and potent cosmetic solutions.



Akten Kozmetik Sanayi doğal kişisel bakım ürünleri bitkisel ekstraktlar organik esansiyel yağlar kalıp sabun Sıvı Sabunlar hediyelik sabunlar kükürt ekstraktı salyangoz ekstraktı calendula ekstraktı ısırgan otu ekstraktı cilt bakımı saç bakımı zeytinyağlı sabun çay ağacı yağı ardıç yağı jojoba yağı avokado yağı doğal güzellik ürünleri bebek bakımı ev ürünleri kalite ve sürdürülebilirlik doğal bakım çözümleri vücut bakımı inovasyon ve sürdürülebilirlik doğal güzellik ve bakım dünyası doğal, sağlıklı kozmetik ürünler Akten Cosmetic Industry natural personal care products botanical extracts organic essential oils soap bars Liquid Soaps gift soaps sulfur extract snail extract calendula extract nettle extract skin care hair care olive oil soap tea tree oil juniper oil jojoba oil avocado oil natural beauty products baby care household products quality and sustainability natural care solutions body care perfume innovation and sustainability world of natural beauty and care natural, healthy cosmetic products

