Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

ALFA ELEKTRONİK SENSÖR SANAYİ is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality and reliable sensors and measurement systems. Our product range includes contactless linear rulers, magnetic linear encoders, optical linear encoders, linear measuring probes, rope encoders, potentiometers, rotary potentiometers, and non-contact rotary angle sensors.

Our ilt-10 series inductive linear rulers provide precise and accurate measurements with contactless operation, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. The mlc 310 series compact ruler is a magnetic linear encoder that offers high resolution and durability. Our olc 43x mounted optical linear encoders provide reliable and accurate measurements in harsh environments.

We also offer the mlg 112 series linear measuring probe for accurate measurement of linear motion, as well as the awp 110 hr high-resolution rope programmable position sensor for reliable measurement of rope displacement. Our rhp 30 series rotary potentiometers offer precise angle measurements with long life and durability.

For non-contact rotary angle measurement, our ars t 40 series contactless creative rotary encoder and SAS-T non-contact rotary angle sensor with Canopen output are reliable and accurate solutions. We also offer the INS 110 inclination sensor for accurate measurement of angular inclination.

All of our products are made in Turkey with the highest quality materials and manufacturing standards. Contact us today to learn more about how our products can meet your sensor and measurement needs.


temassız lineer cetveller ılt-10 serisi indüktif lineer cetveller || atek || made in turkey manyetik lineer enkoderler mlc 310 serisi kompakt cetvel || atek || made in turkey optik lineer enkoderler olc 43x yataklanmış optik lineer enkoder || atek || made in turkey lineer ölçüm probları / tasterler mlg 112 serisi lineer ölçüm probu || atek || made in turkey ipli enkoder ve potansiyometreler awp 110 hr yüksek çözünürlüklü ipli programlanabilir pozisyon sensörü (ıp67) || atek || made in turkey rotary potansiyometreler rhp 30 serisi rotary potansiyometre || atek || made in turkey ars t 40 serisi temassız ınkremental rotary enkoder || atek || made in turkey sas-t temassız rotary açı sensörü, canopen çıkışlı || atek || made in turkey ıns 110 eğim sensörü || atek || made in turkey contactless linear rulers ilt-10 series inductive linear rulers || atek || made in turkey magnetic linear encoders mlc 310 series compact ruler || atek || made in turkey optical linear encoders olc 43x mounted optical linear encoders || atek || made in turkey linear measuring probes / tasters mlg 112 series linear measuring probe || atek || made in turkey rope encoder and potentiometers awp 110 hr high resolution rope programmable position sensor (IP67) || atek || made in turkey rotary potentiometers rhp 30 series rotary potentiometers || atek || made in turkey ars t 40 series contactless creative rotary encoder || atek || made in turkey SAS-T Non-Contact rotary Angle Sensor, with Canopen Output || atek || made in turkey INS 110 Inclination Sensor || atek || made in turkey

