Gaziantep / Türkiye

About Us

Altuğ Kimya: Leading Manufacturer of High-Quality Chemical Solutions

Altuğ Kimya stands as a renowned manufacturer specializing in high-quality chemical products designed for various industries. With an extensive product range crafted to meet the highest standards and deliver exceptional performance, Altuğ Kimya has established itself as a leader in the chemical solutions sector.

Product Portfolio

1. Liquid Colorants

- High-quality organic, inorganic, and carbon black pigments in fluid form

- Designed for coloring polyurethane systems

- Ideal for automotive, footwear, furniture, and packaging industries

- Features:

  - Excellent compatibility with all polyurethane systems

  - Optimal pigment dispersion with modern machines

  - High color strength and stability without damaging the final product

  - Excellent dosing and rheology properties with no migration

  - High lightfastness and thermal stability

2. Mold Release Agents

- Chemical mixtures creating a film between polyurethane and molds

- Ensures easy and non-deforming separation

- Available in water-based and solvent-based varieties

- Features:

  - Dry and wet skin options

  - Glossy, semi-glossy, matte, and semi-matte finishes

  - Soft, medium, and hard film options

  - Low consumption with easy application

  - Cost-effective and smooth surface finish

3. Spray & Dip Coatings

- Solvent-based paints and varnishes for polyurethane, PVC, thermo, and other materials

- Features:

  - Excellent adhesion and durability

  - Smooth surface finish and elasticity

  - Quick drying with unlimited application and color options

4. IMP In-Mold Coatings

- Applied inside molds after release agent application

- Offers additional physical and aesthetic protection

- Ideal for automotive PU-integral, PU-RIM, PU-flexible foam, and more

- Features:

  - Excellent lightfastness and adhesion

  - Quick drying and high abrasion resistance

  - Elasticity with unlimited color options

5. Purabond Adhesives

- Solvent-based adhesives for bonding PU, thermo, rubber, EVA, PVC, TPU, and leather

- Available in white and yellow formulations

- Suitable for various applications

Industry Applications

Altuğ Kimya's products find applications across multiple industries:

1. Footwear Industry

   - Work and safety shoes

   - Shoe soles

   - Orthopedic insoles

   - Polyurethane boots

2. Automotive Industry

   - Steering wheels

   - Gear knobs

   - Dashboard panels

   - Door armrests and panels

3. Furniture Industry

   - Flexible and rigid foams

   - Block and molded foams

   - Table and chair parts

4. Polyurea

   - Insulation and decoration solutions

Company Ethos

Altuğ Kimya distinguishes itself through:

- Commitment to innovation

- Uncompromising quality standards

- Customer-centric approach

- Continuous development of new formulations

- Ongoing improvement of product performance

The company's dedication to meeting the evolving needs of clients across various sectors has solidified its position as a trusted partner in the chemical solutions industry.

For inquiries, product information, or custom solutions, don't hesitate to reach out to Altuğ Kimya's expert team.


Birincil formda poliamitler üre reçineleri melamin reçineleri Birincil formda alkid reçine polyester reçine epoksi reçine poliasetal polikarbonat polieter polyester Birincil formda polimerler etilen propilen stiren vinil klorür vinil asetat vinil esterleri akrilik doğal kauçuğun kimyasal türevleri Birincil formda silikon polimer esaslı iyon değiştiricileri amino reçineler fenolik reçineler poliüretanlar politerpenler polisülfürler selüloz petrol reçineleri plastics materials nonvulcanisable thermoplastic elastomers synthetic resins polymers ethylene propylene styrene vinyl chloride vinyl acetate acrylics polyamides phenolic epoxide resins polyurethanes alkyd polyester resins polyethers silicones ionexchangers

