Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Atlas Screw and Bolt, maintaining its leading position in the industry, offers a wide range of products and a robust production capacity. With products such as countersunk star drill bit screw, star cylinder head (YSB), star countersunk head (YHB), drill bit star cylinder head drill bit sheet metal screws, washer head drill bit screw, chipboard screws, drywall screws, sheet metal screws, stainless screws, window screws, roof screws, metric screws, and Betofast screws, the company serves its customers across various sectors. The firm provides screw and bolt solutions for numerous sectors including construction, furniture, automotive, and machinery manufacturing, with its extensive product categories. Products like countersunk star drill bit screw and star cylinder head provide effective and durable fastening elements, especially for joining wood, metal, and plastic materials. With chipboard screws and drywall screws, it offers specific solutions for the furniture and interior decoration sector, with stainless screws for the chemical and food industry, and with roof and window screws for the construction sector. Atlas Screw and Bolt prioritizes quality and customer satisfaction in its production processes, preserving its presence and competitive advantage in the industry. The company, while closely following industry developments with its innovative products and sustainable production approach, also contributes to the preservation of ecological balance with its environmentally friendly production techniques. With special products like stainless screws and Betofast screws, it provides solutions for specific needs in the sector, addressing a wide customer base. The firm, with the principle of continuous development, maintains its technological investments and expands its product range, aiming to also have an effective position in the global market. Atlas Screw and Bolt, with its strong supply chain and logistic network, offers fast, reliable, and flexible solutions to its customers, contributing to the completion of projects on time and within budget.



Havşa Başlı Yıldız Matkap Uçlu Vida Yıldız Silindir Baş - YSB Yıldız Havşa Baş - YHB Matkap Uçlu Yıldız Silindir Başlı Matkap Uçlu Saç Vidaları Pul Başlı Matkap Uçlu Vida Sunta Vidaları Alçıpan Vidaları Sac Vidaları Paslanmaz Vidalar Pencere Vidaları Çatı Vidaları metrik vidalar Betofast Videlar Yıldız Başlı Vida Silindir Başlı Vida Havşa Başlı Vida sac vidası Pul Başlı Vida Alçıpan Vidası Paslanmaz Vida Pencere Vidası Çatı Vidası Metrik Vida Betofast Vida Yapı Malzemeleri Mobilya Vidaları Otomotiv Vidaları Makine İmalat Vidaları İnşaat Vidaları Ahşap Vidaları Metal Vidaları Plastik Vidaları Kimya Sektörü Vidaları Gıda Sektörü Vidaları Dekorasyon Vidaları İç Dekorasyon Vidaları Dış Dekorasyon Vidaları Yapı Vidaları Endüstriyel Vidalar Özel Üretim Vidalar Standart Vidalar Kaliteli Vidalar Dayanıklı Vidalar Paslanmaz Çelik Vidalar Çinko Kaplama Vidalar Galvaniz Vidalar Yüksek Mukavemetli Vidalar Sertifikalı Vidalar İnovatif Vidalar Çevre Dostu Vidalar Sürdürülebilir Üretim Vidaları Ekonomik Vidalar Uzun Ömürlü Vidalar Güvenilir Vidalar Star Head Screw Cylinder Head - YSB Star Concave Head - YHB Drill Bit Star Cylinder Head Drill Bit Hair Screws Washer Head Drill Bit Screw Chipboard Screws Drywall Screws Sheet Metal Screws Stainless Screws Window Screws Roofing Screws metric screws Betofast Screws Star Headed Screw Cylinder Headed Screw Concave Headed Screw Drill Bit Screw Hair Screw Washer Head Screw drywall screw Stainless Screw Window Screw Roof Screw Metric Screw Betofast Screw building materials Furniture Screws Automotive Screws Machine Manufacturing Screws Construction Screws Wooden Screws Metal Screws Plastic Screws Chemical Industry Screws Food Industry Screws Decoration Screws Interior Decoration Screws Exterior Decoration Screws Building Screws Industrial Screws Custom Production Screws Standard Screws High-Quality Screws Durable Screws Stainless Steel Screws Zinc Coating Screws Galvanized Screws High Strength Screws Certified Screws Innovative Screws Eco-Friendly Screws Sustainable Production Screws Economic Screws Long-Lasting Screws Reliable Screws High-Performance Screws Precision Screws Heavy-Duty Screws Lightweight Screws Compact Screws Robust Screws High-Pressure Screws Low-Pressure Screws High-Temperature Screws Low-Temperature Screws Corrosion-Resistant Screws Wear-Resistant Screws High-Speed Screws Low-Friction Screws High-Efficiency Screws Low-Maintenance Screws Easy Installation Screws User-Friendly Screws Safety Screws Security Screws Adjustable Screws Fixed Screws Removable Screws Permanent Screws Temporary Screws Non-Adjustable Screws Protective Screws Decorative Screws Functional Screws Non-Functional Screws Interior Screws Exterior Screws Outdoor Screws Indoor Screws Horizontal Screws Vertical Screws Diagonal Screws Straight Screws Curved Screws Flexible Screws Rigid Screws Elastic Screws Inelastic Screws Compressive Screws Tensile Screws Shear Screws Bulk Screws Individual Screws Packaged Screws Unpackaged Screws Coated Screws Uncoated Screws Polished Screws Unpolished Screws Smooth Screws Rough Screws Hard Screws Soft Screws Solid Screws Hollow Screws Thick Screws Thin Screws Wide Screws Narrow Screws Large Screws Small Screws Medium Screws Oversized Screws Undersized Screws Heavy Screws Light Screws Dark Screws Bright Screws Colored Screws Uncolored Screws Painted Screws Unpainted Screws Varnished Screws Unvarnished Screws Sealed Screws Unsealed Screws Locked Screws Unlocked Screws Tight Screws Loose Screws Clean Screws Dirty Screws New Screws Old Screws Modern Screws Traditional Screws Classic Screws Contemporary Screws Vintage Screws Retro Screws Antique Screws Rustic Screws Urban Screws Rural Screws Domestic Screws International Screws Local Screws Global Screws National Screws Foreign Screws Imported Screws Exported Screws Native Screws Exotic Screws Popular Screws Unpopular Screws Famous Screws Infamous Screws Original Screws Imitation Screws Authentic Screws Fake Screws Genuine Screws Counterfeit Screws Real Screws Unreal Screws Practical Screws Impractical Screws Useful Screws Useless Screws Valuable Screws Worthless Screws Expensive Screws Cheap Screws Affordable Screws Unaffordable Screws Discounted Screws Full-Price Screws Wholesale Screws Retail Screws Commercial Screws Residential Screws Professional Screws Amateur Screws Specialized Screws General Screws Specific Screws Non-Specific Screws Exclusive Screws Inclusive Screws Private Screws Public Screws Personal Screws Impersonal Screws Collective Screws single screws Multiple Screws Double Screws Triple Screws Quadruple Screws Quintuple Screws Sextuple Screws Septuple Screws Octuple Screws Nonuple Screws Decuple Screws Primary Screws Secondary Screws Tertiary Screws Quaternary Screws Quinary Screws Senary Screws Septenary Screws Octonary Screws Nonary Screws Denary Screws First Screws

