Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Bagfaş Integrated Fertilizer Facilities stand out as one of Turkey's foremost fertilizer production centers. Recognized for its export-oriented operations, this facility is the leading manufacturer of Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) fertilizer in Turkey. CAN constitutes a significant 15-20% share among the fertilizers consumed throughout the country. This granulated product is manufactured exclusively at Bagfaş facilities. Serving as an excellent fertilizer option for almost every type of plant in Turkey, the consumption of CAN varies according to the annual precipitation regime.

Another product that Bagfaş excels in producing is Ammonium Nitrate (AN), which accounts for 20% of Turkey's fertilizer consumption. This product, fully soluble in water and granulated in structure, ensures minimal nitrogen loss when applied to the soil, thus reducing costs for farmers.

DAP, or Di Ammonium Phosphate, is among the most widely used base fertilizers globally. Bagfaş set a record with its export of 110,000 tons of this product in 2014, garnering worldwide acclaim.

Additionally, Bagfaş is a leader in producing AS, recognized by its white, large crystalline structure and colloquially termed "sugar fertilizer." This product, which contains about 24% sulfur in its composition, not only provides essential nutrients for plants but also contributes to soil improvement.

The Sulphur Compound series offers farmers a range of fertilizers containing varying ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur. Especially in soils with zinc deficiencies, the use of sulfuric zinc compound fertilizers positively affects plant and human health.

Lastly, Bagfaş's chemical product range includes industrial chemicals such as Phosphoric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, and Nitric Acid. These chemicals are actively used in various sectors, including textiles, food, agriculture, metal surface cleaning, industrial cleaning, and many others. Besides standard fertilizer products, Bagfaş also exports specially formulated composite fertilizers. These products are exported to different regions worldwide, further establishing Bagfaş as a global brand.


nitric acid Bagfaş Entegre Gübre Tesisleri İhracat İçin Üretimler Kalsiyum Amonyum Nitrat (CAN) gübresi Türkiye gübre tüketimi granül yapıda gübre Türkiye tarım azot kaybı Amonyum Nitrat (AN) suda çözünen gübre Di Amonyum Fosfat (DAP) Dünya taban gübresi 2014 yılı ihracatı Beyaz renkli iri kristal “şeker gübre” kükürt bitki besin maddesi alkali toprakların iyileşmesi Kükürtlü Kompoze granül formda gübre çinko eksikliği potasyum eksikliği Özel Formulasyonlar Pancar Ekicileri Kooperatifler Birliği (PANKOBİRLİK) Fosforik Asit endüstriyel temizlik içecek asitlendirme Sülfürik Asit enerji sektörü petrol arıtımı nitrik asit % 60 konsantrasyon gübre üretimi gümüş nitrat üretimi boya kimyasalları sektörü roket yakıtı özel kompoze gübreler Süper Granül CAN NP 10.20.20 NPK 11.15.15 NPK 11.11.16 NPK 8.18.15 + Bor NPK 10.24.20 + Bor NPK 14.23.14 + Bor Bagfaş Integrated Fertilizer Plants Exports for Production Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) fertilizer Turkey fertilizer consumption granular fertilizer production Turkish agriculture nitrogen loss Ammonium Nitrate (AN) water-soluble fertilizer Di Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) Global base fertilizer 2014 export record White large crystal structure "sugar fertilizer" Sulfur plant nutrient alkaline soil improvement Sulfuric Composite granular form fertilizer zinc deficiency potassium deficiency Special Formulations Beet Growers Cooperative Union (PANKOBIRLIK) Phosphoric Acid industrial cleaning beverage acidification Sulfuric Acid energy sector petroleum refining 60% concentration fertilizer production silver nitrate production paint chemicals industry rocket fuel Exports for Productions special composite fertilizers Super Granule CAN

