Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Birlik Conta - Your Reliable Source for Quality Sealing Products 

At Birlik Conta, we take pride in being a leading manufacturer with over 35 years of experience in the industry. Established in 1993, our company is headquartered in Istanbul and boasts a vast production facility spanning 6000 square meters. We have consistently pioneered innovation and diversity in product offerings, making us the first choice for customers seeking a wide range of sealing solutions. 

Our Products and Services 

We offer an extensive portfolio of sealing products, and our commitment to excellence is evident in everything we do. Here are some of the key products and services we provide: 

Silcon Gasket and Consil Gasket: Our registered brands, Silcon and Consil, are synonymous with quality and reliability. We ship our products worldwide, adhering to the philosophy of "Quality Products, Best Service." 

Sealing Solutionsfor Various Industries: Our expertise extends to a variety of industries, including heavy-duty vehicles, light commercial vehicles, construction machinery, agricultural vehicles, tractors, passenger cars, and marine vehicles. 

Specialized Sealing Solutions: In addition to our extensive product range, we excel in meeting unique sealing requirements with our wealth of knowledge and experience. 

Environmental and Health-Focused: We prioritize environmental sustainability and human well-being in all our operations, reflecting our commitment to a better future. 

Our Production Process 

We tailor our production process to meet the specific needs of our customers. Here's an overview of how we create our high-quality sealing products: 

Customized Design: Our expert team evaluates the requirements for each product and customizes designs accordingly. 

State-of-the-Art Manufacturing: We employ cutting-edge technology, including CAD/CAM design and CNC machining, to create molds and prepare for production. 

Quality Control: Rigorous quality control measures, including Reometer, abrasion, tensile strength, baking, anddensity tests, ensure the accuracy and reliability of our products. 

Global Distribution: Once produced, our sealing products undergo final processes such as shrink wrapping and labeling, ensuring they are ready for worldwide distribution. 

Our Global Reach 

Birlik Conta doesn't just serve local markets; we are dedicated to being a global leader. We export our products to over 70 countries across Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Our commitment to quality and excellence knows no borders. 

Our Commitment to Quality 

We continuously invest in our employees and adhere to ISO quality standards throughout our production process. We consider our employees, suppliers, and business partners as our most valuable assets. Their contributions drive our continuous improvement and success. 

At Birlik Conta, we believe in providing you with the best sealing solutions because you deserve nothing less. When it comes to seals, think of us first. Think of Birlik Conta. 




heavy commercial vehicles ağır ticari araçlar light commercial vehicles hafif ticari araçlar construction machinery inşaat makinaları agricultural vehicles tractor tarım araçları traktör passenger cars yolcu araçları marine vehicles deniz araçları rubber seals kauçuk contalar generator gaskets jeneratör contaları compressor gaskets kompresör contaları transmission gaskets şanzıman contaları retarder repair kits retarder tamir kitleri industrial gaskets endüstriyel contalar motorcycle seals motosiklet conta air vehicle gaskets hava aracı contaları spare parts yedek parçalar new models yeni modeller cylinder head gasket silindir kapağı contası

