Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Title: 'Çevik Teknik Metallurgical Industry: The Vanguard of Metallurgical Solutions'

Dedicated to innovative metallurgical solutions, Cevik Teknik Metallurgy Industry prides itself as a leading manufacturer and supplier of an extensive range of metals and alloys. The company combines advanced manufacturing techniques and stringent quality standards to provide materials of unparalleled performance and reliability.

Austenitic Steels: Known for their high-temperature resistance and exceptional formability, Çevik's austenitic steels are ideal for applications demanding strength and durability.

Tool Steels: Agile's tool steels provide high wear resistance and toughness, which are critical for tool and die making industries.

Cobalt-based Alloys: Featuring excellent resistance to wear, heat, and corrosion, cobalt-based alloys from Agile find extensive use in challenging environments, such as in aerospace and medical fields.

Aluminum Alloys: Lightweight yet sturdy, Agile's aluminum alloys are utilized across numerous sectors, including automotive, aerospace, and construction, for their high strength-to-weight ratio.

Low-Alloy and Carbon Steels: Characterized by enhanced mechanical properties and excellent weldability, these steels serve as the backbone of structural and engineering applications.

Nickel-based Alloys: Offering superior corrosion and heat resistance, Çevik's nickel-based alloys are favored in harsh environments, such as those encountered in chemical processing and power generation industries.

Copper Alloys: Known for their excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, these alloys are essential in electrical, electronic, and heat exchange applications.

Martensitic Steels: Çevik's martensitic steels, with their high hardness and strength, find their place in applications requiring wear resistance, such as in the manufacturing of cutlery and surgical equipment.

Model Sand Injection Molds: To ensure precision in casting, Agile offers model sand injection molds. These allow accurate reproduction of intricate designs in a variety of materials.

Ceramic Core Molds: Ideal for casting complex geometries in superalloys, Çevik's ceramic core molds are a top choice for industries like aerospace and power generation.

Agile Teknik Metallurgy Industry showcases its expertise and dedication through its diverse product portfolio, offering high-quality materials tailored for various applications. By combining a profound understanding of materials science and an innovative approach, Agile remains a trusted partner in meeting the ever-evolving metallurgical needs of industries worldwide.


ostenitik çelikler takım çelikleri kobalt bazlı alaşımlar alüminyum alaşımlar düşük alaşımlı ve karbon çelikleri nikel bazlı alaşımlar bakır alaşımlar martenzitik çelikler model kumu enjeksiyon kalıpları sermaik maça kalıpları austenitic steels tool steels cobalt-based alloys aluminum alloys low-alloy and carbon steels nickel-based alloys copper alloys martensitic steels model sand injection molds ceramic core molds

