Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Debag Kimya is a leading Turkish manufacturer specializing in a wide range of high-quality leather chemicals. With a rich history and a commitment to excellence, we take pride in providing innovative solutions to the leather industry. Our company has achieved ZDHC Level 3 Conformance, demonstrating our dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Our Products and Services:

Beamhouse Chemicals: Our beamhouse chemicals are designed to optimize the leather preparation process, ensuring superior quality and performance.

Wetting and Liming Agents: We offer wetting and liming agents that enhance the softness and pliability of leather.

Enzymes and Bating Agents: Our enzymes and bating agents play a crucial role in achieving the desired texture and appearance of leather.

Tanning and Retanning Materials: We provide tanning and retanning materials that contribute to the durability and colorfastness of leather.

Lubrication and Finishing Materials: Our lubrication and finishing materials add the final touches to leather products, enhancing their overall quality.



beamhouse chemicals wetting and liming agents enzymes and bating agents tanning and retanning materials lubrication and finishing materials deri ıslatma ve kireçlik yardımcıları enzimler ve samalar deri tabaklama ve retenaj malzemeleri deri yağlama ve tuşe malzemeleri

