Desan Mühendislik Modüler Su Deposu Logo

Desan Mühendislik Modüler Su Deposu

İzmir / Türkiye

About Us

Desan Mühendislik A.Ş. is a leading name in the modular water tank industry, with 26 years of expertise in manufacturing and installation. We take pride in offering a wide range of high-quality products and professional services that cater to our customers' needs, proudly representing our country both domestically and internationally. Our business ethos is centered around achieving 100% customer satisfaction.


About Us


Water is one of the fundamental resources for life, and sustainable water management is becoming increasingly critical. Modular water tanks provide innovative solutions for efficient water storage and usage.


Usage Areas:


- Industrial Water Storage: Our modular water tanks are ideal for storing water in facilities such as factories, production facilities, hospitals, schools, and public buildings.

- Agriculture and Irrigation: Modular tanks ensure the efficient storage and regular distribution of irrigation water in agricultural areas, allowing for more effective use of water resources.

- Construction Sector: Modular water tanks are used for permanent water storage on construction sites.

- Emergency Situations: Natural disasters or emergencies can disrupt access to water sources. Modular water tanks provide a quick source of water during such crises.


Our Highlighted Product Range


- Galvanized Water Tanks

- Stainless Steel Water Tanks

- Stainless Chrome Water Tanks

- Underground Water Tanks

- Subsurface Water Tanks

- Agricultural Irrigation Tanks

- Industrial Agricultural Irrigation Tanks

- Prismatic Modular Tanks

- Silindirik Modular Tanks


Our products at Desan Mühendislik are manufactured in compliance with Turkish Standards Institute, American Water Works Association, and National Fire Protection Association standards.


Desan Mühendislik A.Ş. is a member of the Central Anatolia Exporters' Associations.


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