Maharashtra / भारत

About Us

At ECO Sense, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, sustainable products that allow you to live a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle. Our advanced technology allows us to manufacture up to 200,000 biodegradable bowls, plates, and trays per day using materials from green sugar fields. This ensures that our products are not only biodegradable, but also support the growth of new plants and nourish the soil. We are committed to reliability and producing products that adhere to the highest standards, all while contributing to a healthier environment. Choose ECO Sense for all of your sustainable product needs.

Biodegradable products are made from materials that can be broken down, decomposed, and returned to the environment by natural processes. They are a sustainable alternative to traditional, non-biodegradable products, as they do not contribute to the accumulation of waste in landfills or the pollution of the natural environment. Some examples of biodegradable materials include plant-based plastics, paper, and food waste.

By using biodegradable products, individuals and businesses can reduce their impact on the environment and support the transition to a circular economy. When biodegradable products break down, they can be transformed into compost or other natural substances, nourishing the soil and supporting the growth of new plants.

ECO Sense's biodegradable bowls, plates, and trays are a responsible choice for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint. By choosing these products, you can enjoy the convenience of disposable tableware while also helping to protect the planet.



ECO Sense biodegradable sustainable healthy eco-friendly environment plant-based plastics paper food waste circular economy compost biodegradable bowls biodegradable plates biodegradable trays disposable tableware environmental footprint protect the planet green sugar fields natural substances nourish the soil


