Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Eke Industry Facilities: Expert Manufacturer and Supplier of Water Treatment Plants and Systems

Eke Industry Facilities is a renowned manufacturer and supplier of an extensive range of water treatment plants and systems designed to cater to various industrial applications. Their comprehensive product offerings include:

Electrodeionization Systems (EDI) Water Treatment Plants: These plants utilize electrodeionization technology to produce high-purity water for various applications, including pharmaceutical and semiconductor manufacturing.

Pre-treatment and Filtration Water Treatment Plants: These systems provide efficient removal of suspended solids, organic matter, and other impurities, ensuring optimal water quality for downstream processes.

Condensate Treatment Systems (CPP) Water Treatment Plants: Designed to treat and recover steam condensate, these systems reduce water and energy consumption while minimizing environmental impact.

Reverse Osmosis Systems (RO) Water Treatment Plants: Employing advanced membrane technology, these plants provide high-quality water for a wide range of applications, including industrial processes and potable water production.

Softening Water Treatment Plants: These systems effectively remove hardness-causing ions from water, preventing scale formation and optimizing the performance of industrial equipment.

Disinfection Water Treatment Plants: Designed to effectively eliminate harmful microorganisms, these plants ensure water safety for various applications, including drinking water and process water.

Demineralization Systems (DI) Water Treatment Plants: Utilizing ion exchange technology, these systems produce high-purity water for industrial processes, power generation, and laboratory applications.

Boiler Feed Water Treatment Chemical Dosing Systems: These systems ensure optimal boiler performance by preventing corrosion, scaling, and fouling through the controlled addition of chemicals.

Cooling Water Chemical Treatment Chemical Dosing Systems: Designed to optimize cooling system performance and prevent scaling, corrosion, and biological fouling through the precise dosing of chemicals.

Boiler Feed Water and Steam Analysis Systems: These systems provide continuous monitoring and analysis of boiler feed water and steam, ensuring efficient operation and early detection of potential issues.

Eke Industry Facilities is dedicated to providing innovative and reliable water treatment solutions for a wide range of industrial applications. Their commitment to quality, performance, and sustainability makes them an ideal partner for all your water treatment needs.


elektrodeiyonizasyon sistemleri(edı) su arıtma tesisleri ön arıtma ve filtrasyon su arıtma tesisleri kondensat arıtma sistemleri(cpp) su arıtma tesisleri ters osmoz sistemleri(ro) su arıtma tesisleri yumuşatma su arıtma tesisleri dezenfeksiyon su arıtma tesisleri demineralizasyon sistemleri(dı) su arıtma tesisleri kazan besi suyu şartlandırma kimyasal dozlama sistemleri soğutma suyu kimyasal şartlandırma kimyasal dozlama sistemleri kazan besi suyu ve buhar analiz sistemleri electrodeionization systems (EDI) water treatment plants pre-treatment and filtration water treatment plants Condensate Treatment Systems (CPP) Water Treatment Plants Reverse Osmosis Systems (RO) Water Treatment Plants softening water treatment plants disinfection water treatment plants demineralization systems (DI) water treatment plants boiler feed water treatment chemical dosing systems Cooling water chemical treatment chemical dosing systems boiler feed water and steam analysis systems

