Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Entes Electronic Devices: Premier Manufacturer and Supplier of Electronic Devices and Instruments

Entes Electronic Devices is a leading manufacturer and supplier of electronic devices and instruments for various industries. Their products include network analyzers, EMK Series Class A Quality Analyzers, power and energy meters, multimeters, ammeters, voltmeters, frequency meters, current transducers, voltage transducers, and DC ammeters.

Network Analyzers: Entes offers advanced network analyzers for monitoring and analyzing power quality and electrical networks, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency.

EMK Series Class A Quality Analyzer: The company provides high-quality EMK Series Class A Quality Analyzers for accurate measurement and analysis of power quality parameters, ensuring compliance with international standards.

Power and Energy Meters: Entes manufactures a wide range of power and energy meters for monitoring and measuring electrical energy consumption in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.

Multimeters: The company offers versatile multimeters that can measure various electrical parameters, such as voltage, current, resistance, and frequency, in electronic circuits.

Ammeters: Entes produces ammeters to accurately measure electrical current in circuits, essential for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of electronic devices.

Voltmeters: The company manufactures voltmeters that measure voltage across electrical circuits, ensuring that devices operate within their specified voltage ranges.

Frequency Meters: Entes supplies frequency meters to measure the frequency of alternating current (AC) signals, crucial for monitoring and maintaining the proper operation of electronic devices.

Current Transducers: The company offers current transducers that convert electrical current into other forms of energy, such as voltage or frequency, for monitoring and control purposes.

Voltage Transducers: Entes manufactures voltage transducers that convert voltage levels into other forms of energy, such as current or frequency, for monitoring and control applications.

DC Ammeters: The company provides DC ammeters for measuring direct current (DC) in electronic circuits and devices, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Entes Electronic Devices is committed to providing high-quality, reliable electronic devices and instruments to meet the diverse needs of its customers. By focusing on research, development, and customer satisfaction, Entes continues to be a trusted name in the electronics industry.


şebeke analizörleri emk serisi class a kalite analizörü güç ve enerji ölçerler multimetreler ampermetreler voltmetreler frekansmetreler akım transdüserleri gerilim transdüserleri dc ampermetreler network analyzers EMK Series Class A Quality Analyzer power and energy meters multimeters ammeters Voltmeters frequency meters current transducers voltage transducers DC Ammeters

