Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Fenac Mühendislik Sanayi is a key player in the manufacturing and supplying of encoders and related equipment. The company provides a variety of encoders that are instrumental in numerous industrial applications, particularly in precision positioning systems, automated systems, robotics, and CNC machines. Here are some of their products:

Incremental Rotary Encoders: They produce a specific number of equally spaced pulses per revolution and are typically used to measure the rotational speed of mechanical systems.

National Incremental Rotary Encoders: These are incremental rotary encoders that comply with specific national standards or are made for a specific country's market.

Half-Hole Incremental Rotary Encoders: These are designed with a half-hole interface for certain mounting applications.

Full-Hole Incremental Rotary Encoders: These are designed with a full-hole interface for different types of mounting applications.

Rotary Encoders with Conical Shaft: They are designed for specific industrial applications that require a conical shaft interface.

Programmable Rotary Encoders: These encoders allow users to program specific parameters, such as the resolution or output signal, to suit their particular applications.

Inductive Encoder: These encoders work based on the principle of induction. They are typically used in harsh environmental conditions due to their robustness.

IO-Link Encoders: These are rotary encoders that utilize IO-Link, a powerful point-to-point communication standard for transmitting sensor data.

Rope Encoders: These encoders are designed to measure linear motion using a flexible steel wire or rope.

Wheel Encoder: These encoders are usually mounted on the wheels of mobile robots or vehicles to measure their distance and speed of travel.

Each of these products has a specific role and purpose in various industrial applications, demonstrating Fenac's commitment to providing solutions to a diverse range of industry needs.


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