Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Yön Teknik Overview

Yön Teknik, established in 1978 as a family-owned company, is a pioneering Turkish firm specializing in the production of Air Brake, Clutch Control, Transmission, Suspension Control Systems, and Complementary Parts for Heavy Vehicles. Being the first domestic capital company in Turkey to engage in these manufacturing sectors, Yön Teknik has proudly exported its products to 65 different countries.

Product Range:

Air Dryers / Drain Valves, Air Dryer - Distributor Modules, Brake Pedal Valves, Hydraulic Brake Master Cylinders, Relay Valves, Distributor Valves, Load Adjusting Valves, Trailer Control Valves, Suspension Leveling Valves, Hand Brake Valves, Door Control Valves, Water Drain Valves, Pneumatic Control Valves, Directional Valves, Trailer Relay Valves ,Exhaust Valves, Control Cylinders, Booster Pistons, Pressure Regulating & RestrictingValves, Trailer Axle Lift Valves, Quick Release Valves,Dual Control Valves, Air Line Filters, Trailer Couplings, Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinders, Clutch Slave Cylinders, Clutch Pedal Master Cylinders, Clutch Pedal Slave Cylinders, Brake Boosters, Gearbox & Transmission Valves, ABS & EBS Electronic Valves ,Electronic Valves

Since the 1980s, Yön Teknik has been actively exporting its products to various countries worldwide, becoming a recognized and preferred global brand through authorized dealer networks in many nations. In the early 2000s, Yön Teknik expanded its reach, not only supplying leading commercial vehicle manufacturers in Turkey like Ford, BMC, Temsa Mitsubishi, Askam Chrysler, and Güleryüz but also directly contributing to the assembly of products in foreign-based centers and leading manufacturers in Thailand, Iran, and the UK.



Hava Kurutucu / Tahliye Valfleri Hava Kurutucu - Dağıtıcı Modülleri Fren Pedalı Valfleri Hidrolik Fren Ana Silindirleri Röle Valfleri Dağıtıcı Valfler Yük Ayar Valfleri Römork Kontrol Valfleri Süspansiyon Seviye Valfleri El Fren Valfleri Kapı Kontrol Valfleri Su Tahliye Valfleri pnömatik kontrol valfleri Yön Valfleri Römork Röle Valfleri Egzoz Valfleri Kontrol Silindirleri Takviye Pistonları Basınç Düzenleme ve Kısıtlama Valfleri Römork Aks Kaldırma Valfleri Hızlı Tahliye Valfleri Çift Kontrol Valfleri Hava Hattı Filtreleri Römork Kaplinleri Hidrolik Debriyaj Ana Silindirleri Debriyaj Yardımcı Silindirleri Debriyaj Pedalı Ana Silindirleri Debriyaj Pedalı Yardımcı Silindirleri Fren Güçlendiricileri Şanzıman ve Transmisyon Valfleri ABS ve EBS Elektronik Valfleri Elektronik Valfler Air Dryer / Relief Valves Air Dryer - Distributor Modules Brake Pedal Valves Brake Hydraulic Master Cylinders Relay Valves Distributor Valves Load Adjustment Valves Trailer Control Valves Suspension Level Valves Hand Brake Valves Door Control Valves Water Discharge Valves pneumatic control valves Directional Valves Trailer Relay Valves Exhaust Valves Control Cylinders Booster Pistons Pressure Regulation and Restriction Valves Trailer Axle Lift Valves Quick Release Valves Dual Control Valves Air Line Filters Trailer Couplings Hydraulic Clutch Master Cylinders Clutch Auxiliary Cylinders Clutch Pedal Master Cylinders Clutch Pedal Auxiliary Cylinders Brake Boosters Transmission and Transmission Valves ABS and EBS Electronic Valves Electronic Valves

