Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

ÖZDEMİRLER ENDÜSTRİ PASLANMAZ ÇELİK MAMÜLLER SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ is manufacturer and supplier of fiber laser cutting, Operation of blast furnaces, steel converters, rolling and finishing mills - production of pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms - production of ferro-alloys - ferrous products by direct reduction of iron and other spongy ferrous products - iron of exceptional purity by electrolysis or other chemical processes - remelting of scrap ingots of iron or steel - production of granular iron and iron powder - production of steel in ingots or other primary forms - semi-finished products of steel - hot-rolled and cold-rolled flat-rolled products of steel - hot-rolled bars and rods of steel - hot-rolled open sections of steel - sheet piling of steel and welded open sections of steel - railway track materials (unassembled rails) of steel, carbon laser cutting, laser tube, profile cut, guillotine cut, band saw cut, press brake twisting, cylinder twist, pipe, profile bending, argon welding, welded fabrication, pipe, pipe with outlet, draw pipe, rod, transmission, automat, steel, lama, bracket, equilateral angle, scalene angle, building profiles, npi, npu, t, profile, sheet metal, dkp sheet, black checkered plate, galvanized sheet, trapezoidal sheet, hrp sheet, black sheet metal.



çelik fırını haddehane külçe blok dökme demir pik demir aynalı demir demir alaşımı demir çelik çubuk profil ray ham çelik açık profil levha şerit sac çelikten bar çelikten çubuk demir tozu çelik granül spiegeleisen ferro alaşımlar ferro manganez ferro silisyum ferro siliko manganez ferro krom blast furnaces steel converters rolling mills finishing mills pig iron ferroalloys spongy ferrous granular iron iron powder steel hotrolled coldrolled flatrolled bars rods piling of steel welded steel railway track materials fiber lazer kesim carbon lazer kesim lazer boru profil kesim giyotin kesim şerit testere kesim abkant büküm silindir büküm boru profil büküm argon kaynak kaynaklı imalat dıkışlı boru çekme boru otomat lama köşebent eşıtkenar köşebent çeşıtkenar köşebent yapı profilleri npı npu t dkp sac sıyah baklavalı sac galvanız sac trapez sac hrp sac sıyah sac Ham çelik üretilmesi çelikten açık profil imalatı demir ve çelikten sıcak veya soğuk çekilmiş yassı hadde ürünler demir veya çelik alaşımlı levha şerit sac teneke sac imalatı sıcak haddelenmiş demir veya çelikten bar ve çubukların üretilmesi demir veya çelik granül ve demir tozu üretilmesi demir ya da çelik hurdaların yeniden eritilmesi demir cevherinin doğrudan indirgenmesiyle elde edilen demirli ürünler ve diğer sünger demir ürünlerinin imalatı elektroliz veya diğer kimyasal yöntemlerle istisnai saflıkta demir üretilmesi çelikten demir yolu ve tramvay yolu yapım malzemesi levha kazıkları (palplanş) kaynaklı açık profil imalatı pik demir ve manganezli dökme demir aynalı demir/spiegeleisen üretimi ferro alaşımları ferro krom imalatı laser cutting carbon laser cutting laser tube profile cut guillotine cut band saw cut press brake twisting cylinder twist pipe profile bending argon welding welded fabrication pipe with outlet draw pipe rod transmission automat bracket equilateral angle scalene angle building profiles profile sheet metal dkp sheet black checkered plate galvanized sheet trapezoidal sheet hrp sheet black sheet metal Operation of blast furnaces rolling and finishing mills production of pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs blocks or other primary forms production of ferro alloys ferrous products by direct reduction of iron and other spongy ferrous products iron of exceptional purity by electrolysis or other chemical processes remelting of scrap ingots of iron or steel production of granular iron and iron powder production of steel in ingots or other primary forms semi finished products of steel hot rolled and cold rolled flat rolled products of steel hot rolled bars and rods of steel hot-rolled open sections of steel sheet piling of steel and welded open sections of steel railway track materials (unassembled rails) of steel

