Konya / Türkiye

About Us

Petrotech Endüstriyel ve Madeni Yağlar - Konya serves as the authorized regional distributor of industrial oils and engineering equipment produced by world-renowned companies in Konya and its surroundings. Our company prioritizes customer satisfaction by providing various oils, maintenance chemicals and equipment needed in industrial sectors with its wide product range.

Company products include:

  • Industrial Oils
  • Textile Oils
  • Machinery - Countertop Cleaners and Maintenance Chemicals
  • Auxiliary Industrial Equipment
  • Greases - Pastes
  • Automotive Oils
  • Iron - Steel Industry Oils
  • Transformer Oils
  • Construction Oils
  • Metal Surface Treatment Chemicals
  • Plastic and Rubber Oils
  • Air Guns / Nozzles
  • High Performance Coatings
  • Wire Drawing and Metalworking Oils
  • Protective Wrapping Papers and Bags
  • Industrial Adhesives and Sealants - Sprays


tekstil yağları makine tezgah temizleyici bakım kimyasalları yardımcı endüstriyel ekipmanlar Gresler pastalar otomotiv yağları demir çelik sanayi yağları trafo yağları inşaat yağları metal yüzey işlem kimyasalları kauçuk yağlar hava tabancaları nozulları yüksek performanslı kaplamalar tel çekme metal işleme yağları koruyucu ambalaj kağıtları endüstriyel yapıştırıcılar sızdırmazlık ürünleri spreyler industrial oils textile oils countertop cleaner maintenance chemicals auxiliary industrial equipment greases cakes automotive oils iron steel industry oils transformer oils construction oils metal surface treatment chemicals plastic rubber oils nozzles high performance coatings wire drawing metalworking oils protective wrapping papers bags industrial adhesives sealants sprays

