Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Redman Dörtaral Tekstil is a leading manufacturer of shuttle wires, thread shuttle wires, brush wires, wool comb belt wires, pipeline cleaning brushes, and carrier wires. The company has been in the business for over 30 years and has established a reputation for producing high-quality products that meet the needs of its customers.

Shuttle wires are an essential component of weaving machines. They are used to carry the weft yarn across the loom during the weaving process. Redman Dörtaral Tekstil produces shuttle wires that are made from high-quality materials and are designed to withstand the rigors of the weaving process. The company offers a wide range of shuttle wires that are suitable for different types of weaving machines.

Thread shuttle wires are another product that Redman Dörtaral Tekstil produces. These wires are used to carry the thread across the loom during the sewing process. The company offers a variety of thread shuttle wires that are designed to meet the needs of different types of sewing machines.

Brush wires are used in a variety of applications, including cleaning, polishing, and deburring. Redman Dörtaral Tekstil produces brush wires that are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide excellent performance and durability. The company offers a wide range of brush wires that are suitable for different applications.

Wool comb belt wires are used in the textile industry to comb wool fibers. Redman Dörtaral Tekstil produces wool comb belt wires that are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide excellent performance and durability. The company offers a variety of wool comb belt wires that are suitable for different types of wool combing machines.

Pipeline cleaning brushes are used to clean pipelines in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, chemical, and water treatment. Redman Dörtaral Tekstil produces pipeline cleaning brushes that are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide excellent performance and durability. The company offers a wide range of pipeline cleaning brushes that are suitable for different types of pipelines.

Carrier wires are used in a variety of applications, including conveyor systems, cable trays, and wire baskets. Redman Dörtaral Tekstil produces carrier wires that are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide excellent performance and durability. The company offers a wide range of carrier wires that are suitable for different applications.

In conclusion, Redman Dörtaral Tekstil is a leading manufacturer of shuttle wires, thread shuttle wires, brush wires, wool comb belt wires, pipeline cleaning brushes, and carrier wires. The company has established a reputation for producing high-quality products that meet the needs of its customers. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Redman Dörtaral Tekstil is a trusted name in the textile and manufacturing industries.


Redman Dörtaral Tekstil shuttle wires thread shuttle wires brush wires wool comb belt wires pipeline cleaning brushes carrier wires weaving machines sewing machines polishing deburring wool fibers pipeline cleaning conveyor systems cable trays wire baskets durability performance reputation manufacturing industries şardon telleri iplik şardon telleri fırça telleri yünlü tarak bant telleri boru hattı temizleme fırçaları taşıyıcı teller dokuma makineleri dikiş makineleri temizleme parlatma kenar temizleme yün elyafı boru hattı temizleme konveyör sistemleri kablo tavaları tel sepetleri dayanıklılık performans itibar imalat endüstrileri.

