Istanbul / Türkiye

About Us

Standart Pompa has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of fluid solutions, earning recognition as a trusted manufacturer and supplier. With a comprehensive product lineup encompassing Fire Fighting Pumps, Water Pressure Boosting Pumps, Centrifugal Pumps, In-line Pumps, Package Wastewater Pumping Stations, and Pump as Turbine systems, Standart Pompa is at the forefront of innovation and excellence in fluid management. This article takes you on a comprehensive journey through each product category, shedding light on their features and benefits, and showcasing Standart Pompa's dedication to precision and reliability in fluid handling.

Fire Fighting Pumps:
Standart Pompa's Fire Fighting Pumps are designed to be a reliable first line of defense against fires. Engineered with precision and durability, these pumps deliver high-performance water delivery for firefighting applications. The robust construction and efficient flow characteristics of Standart Pompa's Fire Fighting Pumps make them indispensable assets in safeguarding lives and properties.

Water Pressure Boosting Pumps:
For applications requiring optimal water pressure, Standart Pompa's Water Pressure Boosting Pumps rise to the occasion. These pumps are engineered to efficiently boost water pressure in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. The advanced technology within Standart Pompa's Water Pressure Boosting Pumps ensures consistent and reliable water delivery, enhancing user comfort and efficiency.

Centrifugal Pumps:
Standart Pompa's Centrifugal Pumps epitomize efficiency and versatility in fluid handling. With their ability to efficiently move fluids, these pumps find applications across industries including water supply, wastewater management, and industrial processes. Standart Pompa's Centrifugal Pumps deliver reliable performance, ease of maintenance, and efficient fluid transfer, making them essential components for various fluid management needs.

In-line Pumps:
In scenarios demanding compact and space-efficient solutions, Standart Pompa's In-line Pumps shine. These pumps are meticulously designed for easy integration into pipelines, providing seamless and efficient fluid transport. Standart Pompa's In-line Pumps are ideal for applications such as heating, cooling, and water circulation, offering efficient performance without compromising space.

Package Wastewater Pumping Station:
Standart Pompa's Package Wastewater Pumping Stations embody the company's commitment to comprehensive wastewater solutions. These stations are equipped with pumps, controls, and all necessary components for efficient wastewater transport. The reliable design and ease of installation of Standart Pompa's Package Wastewater Pumping Stations make them essential for wastewater management in various settings.

Pump as Turbine:
Harnessing the concept of energy recovery, Standart Pompa's Pump as Turbine systems exemplify innovation in fluid handling. These systems allow the conversion of excess pressure and flow into usable energy, offering sustainable solutions for energy generation. Standart Pompa's Pump as Turbine systems find applications in water distribution networks, irrigation, and renewable energy projects.


Standart Pompa's diverse product range, spanning Fire Fighting Pumps, Water Pressure Boosting Pumps, Centrifugal Pumps, In-line Pumps, Package Wastewater Pumping Stations, and Pump as Turbine systems, reflects the company's dedication to precision engineering and comprehensive fluid management. By investing in Standart Pompa's advanced solutions, industries gain access to cutting-edge technologies that elevate efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in fluid handling.

Standart Pompa's unwavering commitment to precision engineering and innovation solidifies its position as a trusted partner for industries seeking reliable and high-performing fluid handling solutions. Whether you require efficient fire-fighting capabilities, optimal water pressure, comprehensive wastewater management, or sustainable energy recovery, Standart Pompa's products stand ready to fulfill your fluid handling needs.

Embrace the future of fluid management with Standart Pompa's sophisticated solutions, and experience firsthand the transformative impact of their precision engineering, innovation, and commitment to excellence.


