Title: 'Çesan Makina Sanayi: Delivering Excellence in Manufacturing and Supplying Filling and Sealing Machines'Çesan Makina Sanayi stands as an exemplar in the field of manufacturing and supplying a w...
Title: 'Variety Mensucat: The Pioneers in Durable and Safety-Ensuring Nets'A distinguished manufacturer and supplier in the world of safety nets, Variety Mensucat has earned its reputation through ded...
Çetaş Glass Industry operates in the production of heat-insulated double glass and tempered glass. With its technically highly equipped machinery and equipment park, it produces high-quality double gl...
Title: 'Çetin Civata Sanayi: The Industry Leader in High-Quality Bolts and Fasteners'A renowned manufacturer and supplier in the field of industrial fasteners, Çetin Civata Sanayi has made its mark by...
Title: 'Çetin Plastik Sanayi: The Premier Source for High-Quality PVC Films'Specializing in the manufacturing and supply of PVC films, Çetin Plastik Sanayi has etched its name in the sector for provid...
ÇETİNKAYA MENSUCAT is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as raw yarn, thread, ecru mixtures, melange mixtures, mesh raw fabric, woven raw fabric, card, card, combing, open-end, raw fab...
Manufacture of bakery products: bread and rolls pastry, cakes, pies, tarts, pancakes, waffles, rolls etc.ÇETİNLER GRUP UN MAMÜLLERİ VE GIDA SANAYİ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ is manufacturer and supplier ...
Title: 'Çetlas Rubber and Plastic Industry: Leading Provider of Quality Rubber and Plastic Products'Specializing in the manufacturing and supply of rubber and plastic products, Çetlas Kaucuk ve Plasti...