Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of labels - filter paper and paperboard - paper and paperboard bobbins, spools, cops etc. - egg trays and other moulded pulp packaging products etc. - paper novelties...
ÖZTÜRK METAL ENDÜSTRİ ÜRÜNLERİ İMALAT PAZARLAMA İNŞAAT İTHALAT VE İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ is manufacturer and supplier of transmission, iron pipe, sheet iron, bracket, flat iron, b...
Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of drawn steel wire, by cold drawing of steel wire rod.ÖZYAŞAR TEL VE GALVANİZLEME SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ is manufacturer and supplier of standard galvanized wire, a...
ÖZYILMAZ ETİ-PAK AMBALAJ is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as new system fully automatic wet wipes machine 6 channels, oym 2020 single wet wipes machine, oym 2025-6 fully automatic...
PARK ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM MADENCİLİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ is manufacturer and supplier of Electric, Electricity Production, Mining Industry, Mining, energy sector, copper production, run-of-...
Paşafırını | Gülümseten Lezzetler: Delighting with Delectable Treats Since 2009Paşafırını has been a beacon of culinary excellence since 2009, offering a wide range of mouth-watering baked goods and p...
PASTAEVİ GIDA SANAYİ is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as milk dessert, petifür & appendages, chocolate, baklava, fritters, cookies, cake , cake , package products, cake & cupcake,...
PAŞATEKS TEKSTİL is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as velvet group, jacquard group, strip group, cord group, rubber group, textile accessory group, flat velvet, flat velvet, double...