StoneHouse is a leading manufacturer with a rich heritage and a team of experts dedicated to sourcing, processing, and installing various natural stones. Our commitment revolves around delivering meti...
TAŞHAN MUTFAK EŞYALARI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ is manufacturer and supplier of Granite Series, Black Stone Series, Cake Molds, Baking Trays, Fish Pans, Classic Fish Pans, Twin Fish Pan, To...
Seroni, as a leading manufacturer in Turkey, specializes in providing premium-quality decorative rugs, runners, and bath mats under its renowned brand. With a commitment to universal standards of exce...
As a leading manufacturer, TAŞKIN VANTİLATÖR specializes in the production of high-quality axial and radial ventilators, meeting stringent industry standards. Our commitment extends to custom-designed...
Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of fertilisers: straight or complex nitrogenous, phosphatic or potassic fertilisers urea, crude natural phosphates and crude natural potassium salts - associated nit...
Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of paper and paperboard intended for further industrial processing
The processing of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and other articles into secondary raw materials - mechanical crushing of metal waste from used cars, washing machines, bikes etc. -mechanical redu...
Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of friction material and unmounted articles thereof with a base of mineral substances or of cellulose - mineral insulating materials: slag wool, rock wool and simila...