Tekay Kimya Mümessillik ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi is a manufacturer and supplier of unbreakable paints, reactive dyes, reactive dyes, disperse dyes, chemicals, chemical dyes, chemical dyes, printing ...
TEKHNELOGOS YAZILIM MÜHENDİSLİK MÜŞAVİRLİK VE BİLİŞİM HİZMETLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ is manufacturer and supplier of engineering, e-commerce, building information modeling, medicine, s...
Turkish Manufacturer and supplier of industrial taps and valves, including regulating valves and intake taps - sanitary taps and valves - heating taps and valves
TEKNİK KİMYA is a leading chemical product manufacturer with a broad product range in the industry. Starting with polymeric structured antifoams, silicone-based antifoams, and oil-based antifoams, the...
TEKNO KABLO SANAYİ is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as control control cables and power cables, instrument cables, marine and yacht cables, data communication cables, coaxial cabl...
TEKNO METAL is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as electrolytic coatings, lamellar coatings, phosphate coatings, acidic zinc plating, alkaline zinc plating, zinc nickel plating, four...
TEKNOSAN MAKİNE is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as 1pc hwacteon ttc 10cnc double turret lathe, 2pcs daewoo ace v400 dual pallet processing center, 4pcs ycm fv 56a cnc machining c...
TELAS KAUÇUK SANAYİ is the manufacturer and supplier of the products such as washing machine door gasket, water inlet-outlet hoses, shock absorber wedges, exhaust suspension tires, aluminum façade cur...